Thursday, September 22, 2011

In Defense of Professional Wrestling

Theses past few days in class have probably been the most difficult for me because I am actually a pro wrestling fan. Not only that, but I am a smart wrestling fan, one who knows the ins and outs of the business, just as how it is described in the book. Now I am not here to say that pro wrestling is perfect or that everyone is overreacting, because that is not true. Pro wrestling can be degrading towards women, homosexuals, and everything in between.Today in class, we talked about how the wrestlers were all freakishly muscular, and how they seem to keep getting bigger. This, however, is not at all the case. In fact, over the last decade, the wrestlers seemed to have gotten smaller in size. While a few are still pretty tall, and most are muscular, the sizes of the athletes has gone down. Rey Mysterio is an example of one of these wrestlers. He is only 5'4. yet he has won multiple world championships, including, the most prestigious, WWE Championship. While most people say that that doesn't matter because wrestling is scripted, think again. It is a step in the right direction in showing that one does not have to be huge in order to be seen as masculine. I know pro wrestling is not perfect, far from it, but just like a lot of other forms of entertainment in our society if you don't like it, don't watch it.  This is a link to see the WWE roster.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Diamonds Are [Not] a Girl's Best Friend

In 1953, Marilyn Monroe, arguably the biggest sex symbol of all time, starred in the move "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." In this movie, Monroe sings a song that is still popular to this day entitled "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend." The song essentially states that no matter how a man feels about a girl or no matter what he does for a girl, she will not be truly happy unless she is presented with the gift of diamonds. It also helps that Miss Monroe is dressed to the nines in a very sexy, form fitting pink dress and is covered with diamonds. Because of this, men watching were brought to believe that in order to prove their love or liking for a girl, they had to shower her with expensive jewelry. On the other hand, now women had these incredibly high standards as to what was an appropriate gift from their boyfriend or husband. Monroe was also kind enough to name drop a couple of diamond suppliers in the song too (Tiffany's and Harry Winston). While it is unlikely that an owner of a diamond company had someone write this song for Marilyn Monroe to sing, there is now doubt that these standards are still true to this day. Women still believe that men need to shower them with expensive gifts to prove their love, and men still feel the pressure to get the best, most expensive gift for his girl that he can afford.