Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If It's White It's Alright

I am a Caucasian female, however I always get mistaken as being Hispanic or middle eastern. Both of my sisters have pale skin and blue eyes and when our friends in the neighborhood would tease me for being "the milk man's child" it used to really upset me. During my high school years, I would always feel the need to prove my whiteness to others around me by only listening to only rock music or insisting that my political views were that of a Republican. Silly yes, but I always wondered why it bothered me so much that others did not believe that I was white. I knew who I was, yet I let the cruelness of others affect my thoughts and feelings for many years of my life. I was not until last week in class where I learned where these feelings were coming from; society's notion that being white is more beautiful than being dark. 
In society, white features are considered to be more desirable than those of other races. A smaller nose, long and soft hair, and skin that is not too dark are all traits of beauty in main stream America. An example of where one can see America's idea of beauty (or in this case sexy) is Maxim's Hot 100 List. Maxim is a popular men’s magazine that features articles about beer, sports, cars, and, most importantly, women. Men read these magazines daily to see what is popular within the man culture at that time. Every year, Maxim puts out a list of 100 famous women (actresses, models, athletes, public figures, etc) and lists them in accordance as to "how hot they are." The list of 100 women features those mostly of a white, or an American/European heritage. Those on the list that are minorities, for the most part, usually have characteristics of white women. Being that many men get their idea of what is sexy and hot from this magazine, and being that what many women want is to be seen as hot and sexy by a man, it is easy to see why one who does not have the traits of a white women, would be insecure about her looks. Maybe it is time for Maxim to add more types of ideas and images of "hot" on their list or, better yet, not have a list that judges women based on their looks at all.




  1. I agree with what you are saying. when i was reading this it made me think of video editing. In magazines they always have perfect looking women. from their head down to their feet. this is just an illusion. These women are very beautiful dont get me wrong, but they are made up and edited to seem even more hot and more beautiful then what they really are. This is why there are so many insecure women and girls in todays society. It makes women and girls want to look just like the women they see on tv and magazines, when in reality they themselves are not what they appear.

  2. This is all about the perception. What the western world sees as beauty is no what some other countries see as beautiful. This society puts way to much pressure on woman. I believe that if a person isn't happy with the way they look, they have the right to change it. Beauty should really start on the inside.
