Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Plastic Surgery; You Take The Good With The Bad

With everything in life something can be both and bad. Sweets taste good, but they can also cause one to gain weight. Technology has made it possible for people all over the world to connect with one another, yet it is also making some more secluded than ever. Plastic surgery is another example of something that is both good and bad. On one hand plastic surgery can be used to fix defects people are born with or insecurities people have about themselves, which is good. The bad is that many people will have impossible expectations of what a surgery will do for them and their self esteem.

An example of this which is used a lot is the story of Heidi Montag. Heidi was a beautiful girl on a very popular reality show on MTV, "The Hills". For one reason or another, Heidi felt the need to get plastic surgery and got a nose job and a breast argumentation. After the surgery, she was still just as pretty, but for some reason she decided to go back under the knife and get ten more procedures. On the show, her family was disgusted by how she looked and many viewers felt the same way.

The bad thing about the Heidi Montag story is that she did what she did, and she has to live with the consequences of what she has done (hopefully she likes the way she looks). The good thing about what happened to Heidi Montag, however, was that because what she was did was in front of millions of people who did not agree with her decision, they are less likely to get as many, if any, procedures done because they saw what it did to her. Heidi Montag is definitley no martyr for people thinking about getting plastic surgery, but her story will most likely be used as a cautionary tale.

1 comment:

  1. I do completely believe in your opinion. Although Heidi was right that millions of people do go through these surgeries including brain and other reconstruction surgeries, hopefully more people will vote against having these surgeries especially if they dont want to look like they are entering the earth's atmosphere.
